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For the Teach-A-Thon, we recruit business professionals, culinary professionals and community leaders to teach in person in a classroom. However, it’s not career day. Instead, each volunteer teaches a lesson in person or virtually.
However, we highly encourage community leaders to step into the classroom for a lesson. You’ll be supported every step of the way and gain insight into public education.
By having business professionals teach actual content, we accomplish two goals: Students see the subject matter as more important, especially as many professionals can explain real-world applications of the subject. In addition,商界人士走进教室,发现我们为什么需要支持AG亚游集团官方网站公立学校. As part of the program, 商业专业人士将告诉同事他们的经验,为AG亚游集团官方网站公立学校筹集资金并获得支持.
For sponsorship opportunities or more information:
Marilen Marnett at 305.298.9099 or